Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Repsol colored Yamaha R15? We got it...

Here is yet another colored Yamaha R15. In a Honda Repsol paint job
The bike does look cool in this color.. But the paint job does cost a bomb we are said

Pics : Ken from xbhp.com


  1. Good paint job. I am sure a lot effort went in to the same. But just wondering; why would one take a perfectly good Yamaha and try and change it into a Repsol Honda. I would imagine that it would take the same effort to paint it into a Fiat Yamaha or Santander Yamaha or the Kenny Robert's Bumble Bee yellow. Now that would really be something.

  2. Excellent paint job, Looks original...

    But as my friend above said why insult a YAMAHA with HONDA colours,
    Rather do it on a Zma,

    Wot say

  3. Why in the world will one purchase a Yamaha and convert it to a Honda. The owner has gone nuts.

  4. really looking cool man!!!!
    its awesome!!!
